Wednesday, March 31, 2010

One of Those Days

I had one of those days were I planned on really getting things done. I've got about six projects started but not finished and THIS was going to be the day they all got done. The blogosphere would be astounded by the number of projects I cranked out.

Instead everything went wrong. Nothing went right. All I managed to get done was this one lousy purse and a matching headband. Even with this purse I ripped out and redid parts of it several times. I'm not happy with the results but fortunately you have to be right on top of the thing to notice. I'm just glad that the fabric is so much fun. It's an upholstery fabric I bought after breaking my new year's resolution to not buy more fabric. (That was on January 21st. Don't judge me.)

So this is all I've got to show for my big plans.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jill! Just found your blog, love your tagline. First I buy fabric, then I pay my bills, too :)
    Don't let the bad-sewing-days get you down, it happens to all of us!
